
2024 New Collection Titled "Red-Lipstick Ladies"

Closest thing to heaven

Closest Thing To Heaven

Displayed at juried art show @ The New Zone Gallery 5/24

currently for sale $500

Woman In Chains (set her free)

currently for sale $500

In My Mind's Eye 

currently for sale $500

Year Of The Knife (aka: knives and roses)

currently for sale $1,200

A Thousand Kisses 

currently for sale $500

Badman's Song (in my mind, there is a mirror...)

Displayed at juried art show Bandon Mosaic Extravaganza  June-July 2024

currently for sale $700

Summer 2024 : Bees and Sunflowers.... just for fun

four piece set for sale @  $1,200

And a crow for good measure 2024

for sale $500