• About Kissing Crows Mosaics

My mosaic art endeavors to grab attention, to be visually bold and imaginative, and to
sprinkle a bit of magic into each piece. My original self-taught attempts at Picassiette style
mosaics consisted of much trial and error and numerous cut fingers, but I have persevered
to developed my own unique style that is bright, adventurous, and vibrantly wild.
I have elected to continue using recycled and repurposed materials in a free form style
without boxes or boundaries.  I personally find crockery and recycled objects are better
suited to my whimsical style than traditional glass. I have incorporated everything from
teapots to hub caps. I nip the majority of my pieces by hand without using equipment other
than a grinder to soften the edges. The textures, dimensions and patterns of the material is
incorporated into my art, and I genuinely believe the material itself guides me as I bring my
mosaics “to life”. I originally developed a niche market creating large garden mosaic pieces
but have now branched out into new directions which include a series of women faces that
are inspired by music and song lyrics.
My childhood obsession with the nonsensical madness of Alice in Wonderland, my teenage
fascination with Van Gogh’s post- impressionism work, and my adult discovery of Andy
Warhol’s Pop Art, have all meshed and flowed into my evolving style. I believe there is a new
audience waiting to enjoy the style, originality and imagination that lives within my work. I
am proud of my simple but profound ability to make people pause, reflect, and ultimately
feel the happiness within my work.